Working in conjunction with municipalities and State DOT's, STALITE helps create safer, longer-wearing road surfaces. The lower unit weight of STALITE affords significant productivity and cost advantages. Compared to heavyweight aggregates, STALITE yields more surface coverage per ton. Considerable savings in transportation and placement cost are achieved by safely filling trucks and paving equipment to capacity without exceeding weight limits.
STALITE is non-polishing. As the aggregate surface wears, a new rough surface is exposed, maintaining the superior skid resistance characteristic of STALITE, and minimizing the incidence of hydroplaning.
Tough and durable
High skid resistance
Low absorption
Consistent, controlled gradations
Economical to transport and place
Materials Information
Additional Information
“ ”New customers that have not used Stalite lightweight aggregate Road Material should contact the area Road Material representative for suggested application rates.”
Less road maintenance is required because STALITE provides a superior bond with both asphalt and traffic paint. Unlike heavyweight aggregates, fragments present a dramatically reduced hazard to the windshields and painted surfaces of automobiles.
A closer look AT sTALITE Road Material

Case Studies & Project Profiles
Road Material Projects
A chip seal crew working in Sampson County, applying STALITE lightweight road material over regular weight 78M. The road oil crews like the uniform application rates, on site delivery and reduced equipment stress that STALITE provides.
Shuping Mill Road in Rowan County, NC paved with Vulcan 78M on the right side with STALITE lightweight aggregate screenings applied as the second seal in the left side.
J.S. Myers Paving, Lexington County, SC
Location: Chapin, Lexington Co., SC
Contractor: J.S. Myers
STALITE is most often the material of choice in this area, since it can be applied as the ride surface without a blotting seal.
Road paved with STALITE lightweight aggregate near little mountain in Newberry County, SC, using the new SCDOT specifications
Surface cracks in asphalt can lead to serious structural damage if not sealed against the intrusion of moisture. There are several ways to seal surface cracking.